These dark, cold winter weeks set the perfect stage for living a more hyggelig (hygge-like) life. Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) is a Danish lifestyle concept.

No one loves spring more than a Minnesota gardener. After a long, dark winter, we are eager to get our hands into backyard soil and our hearts out onto decks and patios.

Regardless of what the groundhog might say, winter is coming to an end and, with it, our excuses for hiding out indoors wrapped in snuggies and sweatpants. It’s time to refresh that look! But what to do, and when?

The folks at CPR Cell Phone Repair have developed a solution for fast and convenient cell phone repair—and are literally taking it to the streets.

1. Mother of pearl orange abalone money clip, $259.95, The Foursome
2. Byron blue neckwear, $125, The Foursome 3. Stress-fix travel kit:
hand crème and concentrate, $44, New Reflections 4. Illume luxury

On May 29, at about 8:30 p.m., the city of Plymouth’s recreation supervisor Jessie Koch and her husband Herb welcomed Harper Rae Koch into the world, safe and healthy at 7 lbs. 12 oz. The following weeks were a whirlwind of new parent firsts: diapers, baths, late-night feedings.

When spring flowers fade, Plymouth-area businesses are sharing a way to keep
flowers—and other spring-inspired shapes—forever in the form of jewelry. Whether
it is Mother’s Day, graduation or a desire to add a new piece to your

Minnesota mid-winter days are anything but cheery: Between white snow and gray skies, the outdoor environment is void of color. Luckily, Plymouth florists are ready to help.

The time of year has come for the young (and some young at heart) to dress up as their favorite superheroes or princesses, and attend some enjoyable party with candy abounding.