Mobile Repairs

CPR Plymouth offers on-site fixes and deliveries for mobile phones and tablets.
Techs work on mobile phones in the mobile van CPR has become known for.

The folks at CPR Cell Phone Repair have developed a solution for fast and convenient cell phone repair—and are literally taking it to the streets.

Owner Murray Death is all too familiar with the seemingly endless ways a phone can become damaged. “It can happen anywhere,” he says, which is exactly the reason he and his team developed their fixer van.

Now, instead of coming into a store, you can make an appointment or call for their van to meet you at your location and fix your phone on-site. “We do buttons, speakers … screens are the No. 1” requests, he says. Murray works with a team of five technicians. Samsung and Apple phones are the crew’s specialties, but CPR is fit to repair tablets as well. And, like any good mobile company should, a strong presence on social media and at community events has earned a following of loyal customers that sets the company apart in the cell repair industry.