June 2016 Plymouth Magazine

In the June issue locals share their favorite things to do during the long days of summer, local moms plan big, creative parties and area eateries share their favorite desserts.

The mention of ice cream on a warm summer day makes kids’ and adults’ mouths water. Plymouth resident Peg Brantman and her grandson, 6-year-old Zachary, were enjoying an event with animals from the Zoomobile. They had to make a stop on their way out when the two spotted the ice cream.


A sweet tropical escape is easy to come by in Plymouth. All you have to do is sample these delicious desserts that are powered by tropical fruits. Pineapples, kiwis, coconuts, bananas, mangoes, lemons and limes shine as dessert stars.


Stock up on the early summer bounty at the Plymouth Farmers Market. The market returns June 22 and will run through October 5.


Anyone who lives in Plymouth will tell you it’s a special place to be in the summer. There are the beaches and pools, traditions such as Music in Plymouth, top notch Parks and Recreation programming and no shortage of spots to grab an ice cream cone or a cold beer.


Does your child have a summer birthday and is asking for a party outside to celebrate?


We’ve waited all year for this. Finally, sweet summertime. However, staying safe under the sun requires some precautions. We checked in with local experts for common summer safety tips: Dr.


A tapestry woven with many colors is far more beautiful than one threaded with a single color.


Summer is A great time to take advantage of the city’s many bike trails, but don’t forget to refresh your memory on safety before hitting the road.


Wayzata High School’s fall 2015 musical, Beauty and the Beast, is being recognized as an outstanding overall performance, among several other awards. Several student actors have also been nominated for their impressive performances in the show.


Author and corporate guru Dan Rust has released his first novel, Workplace Poker, which helps professionals harness the extra skills necessary to propel themselves through their careers by navigating the ins and outs of the corporate environment.


Got a little one with a birthday coming up? Need to party plan for kids of multiple ages? Take advantage of the beautiful Minnesota summer with these outdoor birthday party spots and ideas.


With the Fourth of July around the corner, get your party planning in gear. Each summer, Plymouth resident Kristi Thompson’s neighborhood throws a big gathering to celebrate the holiday. Here’s her advice on how to make your party a hit.


Looking for fresh designs for your home and closet? Abode & Co. combines high-quality clothing with chic home décor and design consulting into one seamless retail space with an open, almost urban feel.