Plymouth Senior Spotlight 2022: Academic A-Listers. A collection of local academic A-listers.

West Lutheran High School senior Merlyn Mayer work in school and the community reflect her generous spirit.

Wayzata High School senior Sarah Cao is a motivated, compassionate student.

Since 1992, the free program has featured more than 250 scientists.

District 279’s 2020 Investment in Youth Awards program honors outstanding achievements.

Parnassus Preparatory School prepares students for life after school using time-tested curricula and teaching methods.

As a top student, Wayzata High School's Gavin Frank still finds time for fun.

Providence Academy's Madeline Anderson has been on the headmaster's list every semester and captained three sports teams.

Armstrong High School's Moses Ekel has been performing in plays since eighth grade.

There’s something for everyone within easy reach of Plymouth.

Meet these Armstrong High School standout students.