Get to know some of our community's outstanding seniors: Madeline Anderson, Gavin Frank
Moses Ekel
Armstrong High School
What has been your high point so far in your academic career?
My grades [this past spring] have been the best they’ve ever been. Junior year has been the toughest year, both academically and socially. Over time I’ve managed to put my best effort into everything I do. I’m very happy with where I am, and this year has by far been my high point in my academic career.
What have you found especially challenging or difficult in your academic career?
Emotional stability. Learning in school, participating in activities both inside and outside of school and spending time with friends and family all at once is very difficult. Keeping a well-balanced life is very important when it comes to success.
What’s something that people would be surprised to learn about you?
I come off as a very shy and quiet boy to most people. What a lot of people don’t know about me is that I am very involved in the theater community. That may be surprising considering how quiet I am in school. Loud, social, energetic and outgoing are only a few words I would use to describe myself.
Who is one person who has influenced you to excel, and why?
A director of mine named Charlie Leonard, whom I met in eighth grade when he gave me the role of The Cat In The Hat in my very first musical, Seussical Jr. Since then I’ve performed in 13 different shows at Blue Water Theatre Company, which Charlie founded in 2007. He has influenced and inspired me in so many ways. He’s always supportive of me and does whatever it takes to lead me in the right direction. I will never be able to thank him enough for all that he’s done for me. I’m very grateful for him and he will continue to be a person I will always look up to.
What advice would you give someone just beginning high school that you wish someone had given you?
Follow your gut. It’s important to listen to others and get opinions from different people, but what’s most important is what you think. Following your gut is risky. Sometimes it may take you in a direction that will lead to failure, but you’ll always learn from your mistakes. Failure only makes you stronger. Never give up. Shoot for the best.
What is your special power?
My “special power” is caring for others. Although it’s very important to put yourself first in certain situations, I like to take care of others before myself. It’s very important to me that I do as much as I can to help others in any situation. It makes me feel accomplished and I think taking care of others is one of those things that I will just never refuse to do.
What are your plans/hopes for after graduation?
After I graduate high school I’d like to go to a community for my generals. While I’m in community college, I’d like to audition at local theater companies and also take dance, vocal and acting lessons to really strengthen my theatrical skills. From there I would like to get into a college with a nice theater program and just hope for the best.
What are your main interests outside of academics?
Performing is what I enjoy doing the most. I started doing theater in eighth grade. Since then I’ve been in 19 different productions, and I’m preparing for my 20th, in the role of Eugene Morris Jerome in Neil Simon’s Brighton Beach Memoirs.
Theater is very important to me. It has taught me many important things in life and I truly love everything about it. The stage is home to me. It’s funny to say, but I truly feel most like myself when I am performing on a stage pretending to be someone else.