Plymouth Senior Spotlight 2022: Academic A-Listers. A collection of local academic A-listers.

The idea materialized in 1997 in the Messiah United Methodist Church of Plymouth: Then-pastor Rollie Robinson delivered a sermon calling on the congregation to act in the face of President Clinton’s welfare reform.

Throughout the past few years, the green movement has been building momentum in urban communities. One way many have embraced this trend is by planting and harvesting from personal gardens.
Believe it or not, we’re finalizing our annual Prep Elite (August) issue this month.

Local preschoolers from The Goddard School in Plymouth had the opportunity to act as toy testers during the nationwide annual toy test this in November, just in time for the holidays.
Not all learning takes place in the classroom. Home is the perfect place to begin a child’s education, whether the young pupils are attending school already or will be in the near future. Education this early, however, can be tricky: How can parents adjust to satisfy the needs of a younger mind?

Some call the United States a melting pot of culture and language. Others use the analogy of a salad bowl to convey the message of mixing together many unique lifestyles in relatively close proximity.

One of the best ways to support a student throughout a busy school year is to set realistic goals. If the chaos of the first couple of months caught you off guard, it’s not too late to provide a plan for success.

It’s a sunny but frosty morning in mid-October. A light fog rolls through the hills, otherwise set ablaze as the rising sun kisses their changing leaves and native grasses.

With such busy schedules, it’s amazing high school students can find time for one job. Well, we found three Plymouth area students who not only work, but work multiple jobs. And they do it while keeping their grades up and staying involved with extracurricular activities.