
A Search for Connection Leads to Kate St. Vincent Vogl’s First Book

When Kate St. Vincent Vogl was in first grade, she wanted to become the first female astronaut, and if that didn’t work out, she said she’d be a writer. “Sally Ride beat me to it,” Vogl says. Vogl, a Plymouth resident, published her first work in April 2009, a memoir titled Lost & Found: A Memoir of Mothers, which chronicles her journey of connecting with her birth mother.
Read more about A Search for Connection Leads to Kate St. Vincent Vogl’s First Book


Plymouth Brothers Publish Character-building Books

Sometimes the best ideas simply fizzle out. Perhaps the idea doesn’t have widespread appeal, or maybe the idea isn’t backed by enough passion. But four years after Plymouth brothers Mohammed and Amin Aaser first had the idea to write and produce character-building books for Muslim children, they discovered they had both an eager audience and a passion dedicated to build a brand called Noor Kids. Read more about Plymouth Brothers Publish Character-building Books


Summer Books

Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Born with a facial deformity, 10-year-old Auggie navigates being the new kid in his first mainstream school. “It’s the best kids’ book I’ve read in the last five years, and I keep recommending it to adults, too,” says librarian Linnea F.

I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
This New York Times bestseller explores the changing relationship between twins Jude and Noah. With themes of romance, tragedy, grief, and healing, librarian Joanna R. calls this book “a gem and a fantastic read.” Read more about Summer Books



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