Best of Plymouth | Outdoor Activities | Music in Plymouth
Best of Plymouth | Outdoor Activities | Music in Plymouth
Just about any restaurant with a few available square feet outside the building will find a way to turn it into patio dining. That’s no surprise, given the seemingly insatiable appetite that Minnesotans have for dining alfresco.
Susan Dyrud MacDonald has been excited about photography from an early age. “In my pre-teen years, I plastered my room with pages from magazines (especially National Geographic) with photos that touched me, and I would sort of just absorb them,” she says.
Entertainment in the Park is bringing some high-flying, water-spraying action to Parkers Lake this summer.
As fundamental and basic as the ABCs are to the English language, so too are these places, services and people to Plymouth. We present the winners of our annual readers’ choice survey, the Best of Plymouth.
On June 29, more than 15,000 Plymouth-area residents will load picnic suppers, blankets and lawn chairs into the trunks of their cars and drive to the newly renovated Hilde Performance Center for the most highly anticipated community event of the summer: Music in Plymouth (MIP).
Greg Anderson wants Plymouth residents to think outside the box—mainly that steel box with a combustion engine, cushioned seats, four wheels and a muffler.
There’s something about gardening, about digging in the dirt, that can be calming. That smell of fresh soil and the fragrance of a blooming flower can clear the mind. So it’s no surprise that many people are continuing to find a sense of peace and place for meditation in the garden.
Tired of cooking the same old burgers and dogs on the grill? So are we. Thankfully, the pros at Cowboy Jack’s Saloon came to our rescue.
After nearly a year of construction work, phase one of the Hilde Performance Center improvement project is done. The center is now more accessible and more food vendor-friendly, and this month more Music in Plymouth fans can sit on the luscious green lawn to enjoy the annual concert.
While Erica Chua liked her job with the city of Plymouth’s parks and recreation department, she knew it was time for a change. She and new husband Matt, both 29, decided right after Christmas 2010 that this might be the last opportunity they’d have to enjoy the ultimate traveler’s experience.