Plymouth people

St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church’s Farewell to Pastor David Hoffman

Forty-seven years ago, a 20-something University of Iowa undergrad studying modern European history was taking the steps to become an attorney. Then, he says, God called him in another direction. He was offered a scholarship to attend seminary and give ministry a try. Today the Rev. David Hoffman has enjoyed a 41-year career as a pastor; 30 of those have been spent at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (SPD) here in Plymouth. Now he’s facing another calling—retirement.

The 2014 Best of Plymouth: Top Shops, Restaurants and More

Back in summer 2004, an upstart publishing company identified the Minneapolis suburb of Plymouth as the next community to get its very own magazine. Times were good, housing and real estate were booming, and with the additions of the Millennium Garden and other facilities, the city was primed for a piece of journalistic media that focused on celebrating everything we have to offer. Read more about The 2014 Best of Plymouth: Top Shops, Restaurants and More

Big Exposure: Wayne Davis Photography in Plymouth

Wayne Davis broke both of his wrists in a grisly snowmobiling accident in 1980. What happened next changed his life.

At the time of his accident, Davis was a professional snowmobile, go-kart and motorcycle racer. He had major sponsors and was at the top of his racing career when his left hand slipped off the handlebars during a race in Ontario. His right hand jerked the handlebars into the track’s exterior wall (made of sawed-off telephone poles and plywood), knocking him unconscious and snapping both wrists. Read more about Big Exposure: Wayne Davis Photography in Plymouth

Handmade Wooden Furniture from Plymouth’s Ruth Buezis

When Ruth and Jim Buezis moved to Minnesota from California in 1991, the engineer by training with a degree from California Polytechnic State University discovered she needed a toy box for her young daughters (now ages 17 through 23). “So I got some books from the library and taught myself how to make one,” Ruth Buezis says matter of factly. “I had a baby monitor on in my workshop down the basement, and I’d go there to work during nap time.” Read more about Handmade Wooden Furniture from Plymouth’s Ruth Buezis


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