A fixture in the community since 1959, the Plymouth Lions Club has consistently contributed to charitable causes.
The group has assisted Interfaith Outreach, supporting many of its initiatives, and worked with Plymouth. “We funded a SWAT truck for the police [through the Plymouth Crime and Fire Prevention Fund] and put together emergency packets for children and families who are in crisis,” says James Bremer, vice president of the Plymouth Lions. The club has also sponsored representatives from the local fire department for additional training.
The club also operates on its own to benefit the community. “We help individuals when we can substantiate a particular need—our grants committee will look at the requests and make decisions,” Bremer says.
What is even more impressive is the three foundations that the Lions Clubs of Minnesota have created, with trustees from various regions throughout the state representing the Lions in each foundation—one for hearing, vision and diabetes. These foundations have jointly raised millions of dollars for research at the University of Minnesota over the years. “Our vision foundation is the largest and owns the Lions Eye Bank,” Bremer says, “The bank harvests eyes from deceased individuals which are transplanted or used for research.” An estimated 2,500 corneas are recovered each year.
The Lions Club meets twice a month, once for business and the other, the dinner meeting, for an informative, but cozy gathering. “We invite a speaker, usually from the different causes we contribute to, to update us on what they are doing, or staff from the fire and police department to tell us what is going on in their parts of the world,” Bremer says.
Dinner meeting
April 12
Social at 6:30 p.m.
Dinner at 7 p.m.
Medicine Lake City Hall
Pancake Breakfast
April 15, 2018
West Medicine Lake Community Club
171 Forestview Lane N.
8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.