Understandably, we tend to find ourselves buttoned up come wintertime—ensconced in our homes, snuggled up near a fire, cozied up in a favorite chair or, if ambition strikes, engaged in indoorsy endeavors. Admittedly, we are good at getting out on the ski and sled hills, off to outdoor community events and the like, but how much contact do we have with our neighbors? In fact, how well do you know your neighbors or fellow residents?
One of the themes of this issue is giving back, and I’d like to introduce you to two residents who have found wonderful ways to celebrate others in need of some affirmation and kindness.
McKenna Stremke, owner of Kenna’s Cakes, volunteers with For Goodness Cakes, which unites nationwide chapters of volunteer bakers to bake birthday cakes to foster children and at-risk youth. “It’s inspiring how many people are spending their time making special creations for others,” the Plymouth resident says. Read more about Stremke on page 16.
Ann Marie Grocholski is the owner of AMG Photography and a member of Plymouth Magazine’s Editorial Advisory Board. In addition to her work as a photographer, the Plymouth resident developed Images of Strength and Hope. Through it, she serves families with children with special needs or who are facing a serious illness by taking photographs and creating special memories for the families. Grocholski also works with a shelter for girls, who are victims of sex trafficking or exploitation. Her story is found on page 14.
Speaking of making introductions, I’m pleased to announce that Madeline Kopiecki is the new editor of Plymouth Magazine. I’ve been offered a new position within Tiger Oak Media, and while I’ll miss being a part of your community, I am confident that Madeline will be an amazing asset to this publication. She’s looking forward to getting started, so please welcome her to Plymouth Magazine!
Renée Stewart-Hester