If being treated for chronic pain and other symptoms while relaxing under blankets in a recliner sounds like an ideal trip to the doctor, look no further—that’s what you will find at Plymouth Community Acupuncture. This holistic clinic aims to provide affordable acupuncture therapy for issues including pain, digestive problems, anxiety and insomnia.
Minnesota Community Acupuncture uses a group space for their treatment. One benefit of community acupuncture is that friends and family can go in together for treatment. Also, illness, especially if it’s chronic, brings a sense of isolation, says Kerry Casey, owner and acupuncturist. “The group setting can help people feel less alone,” she says. “Some people also find that experiencing acupuncture in a group setting is a more powerful experience,” says Casey.
Privacy screens are placed between recliners. The lights in the room are dimmed and relaxing music is played in the background.
Community acupuncture is performed from the ankles down and from the elbows up, so patients can keep their clothes on, says Casey. “Any part of the body can be treated by using points below the ankles and above the elbows,” says Casey. “It’s like turning on a light switch—you don’t have to touch the bulb itself to get the light to turn on.”
The clinic operates on a sliding scale, with the first visit costing $25 and subsequent visits costing between $20 and $40, depending on what the patient can afford. “It’s a great medicine,” says Casey. “It needs to be affordable.”
When asked what she would say to those who are thinking about getting acupuncture treatment, Casey says this: “There’s very few things that we can’t fix with acupuncture. Everybody should try it.”