
The Devon Worley Band members posing outside.

What do Willie Nelson, Led Zeppelin, Eric Church, Miranda Lambert and Heart all have in common? Yes, they all have the letter “E” in their names. No, that’s not the answer.

In high school, his primary focus might have been taking the Providence Academy football team to the state tournament, while music followed as a hobby.
Paul Larson

As a kid, at one point you were probably told to “reach for the stars,” or “stay away from fire,” or possibly even once heard the rhetorical question, “What are you, from Mars?”

The journey from the Bass Lake Playfield rink to University of Minnesota’s Mariucci Arena has been winding and, at times, grueling, but as recent NHL draft pick Taylor Cammarata says, “There is still a long way to go.”

After winters that seem to stay much longer than they are welcome, Minnesotans embrace spring like a long-lost friend.

Harnessing the power of Google Earth, third-grade teacher Aaron Monson transports his class to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Daytona Beach in Florida and the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Aaron pilots a make-believe airplane.

Alissa Staloch received an MBA in human resource management from Capella University in 2012, works as the human resources administrator and executive assistant at Simonson’s Salon and Spa, and dances as a Vikings cheerleader on the side.

Local church. Inspiring architecture. Ideal lighting. After several visits to Plymouth’s Mount Olivet Church last summer, and just-not-right photo opportunities, Max Foster captured a scene that checked all his photo-quality boxes.

Plymouth Magazine: What’s the secret to making a good New Year’s Resolution?

Graham Maas is a young man on the move. On a nearly daily basis, the 13-year-old Plymouth boy does some combination of fencing, swimming, running and shooting pistols. On most Sundays, he does them all in an eight-hour session.
