The city of Plymouth will celebrate Veterans Day with free breakfast on November 9 for all veterans residing in Plymouth. In order to include everyone and ensure safety of all attendees, breakfast will be drive-thru. During this event, attendees are encouraged to stay inside their vehicles and will be led through a drive that will progress around the Plymouth Veterans Memorial and the City Hall parking lot.
Remembering the Memorial
Debuting in 2015, the Plymouth Veterans Memorial expresses the community’s gratitude for those who have served. Located in Hilde Park, the memorial was constructed from Minnesota black granite as part of the Hilde Performance Center’s 2015 renovation.
The memorial wall, with room for engraving the names of 1,300 veterans, is surrounded by benches, a water feature and landscaping. Additions to the memorial are added twice a year. Names can be submitted for consideration to the department of Parks and Recreation and honors all Veterans, not just those who live in Plymouth.
All Veterans residing in the city of Plymouth are welcome. Free. 9:30–11 a.m. November 9. Plymouth Veterans Memorial, 3400 Plymouth Blvd.; plymouthmn.gov