This year, many Plymouth parents are choosing to celebrate by giving their children gifts of experience spreading goodwill and generosity in the community. Here are some ways to give back this season while spending time with those who make the holidays most special.
Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners Holiday Food Drive
Participate in IOCP’s annual food drive by helping stock the shelves for the holidays. Canned beans, fruit baskets, and even roasts and hams are accepted to ensure those families have the support they need this year. Deliver food to IOCP by December 5.
JustGifts Market at St. Barnabas
This year, consider gifts that promote global consciousness. St. Barnabas hosts a festive marketplace December 5–6, featuring fair-trade gifts handmade by international artisans. All proceeds go to projects that support education, health and justice, both locally and globally. 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Sun. St. Barnabas Lutheran Church.
Shop with a Purpose Day
On December 18, consider doing some last-minute shopping or stopping in for lunch to benefit families in your area. In association with the 20th anniversary of IOCP’s Sleep Out campaign, local businesses will feature one-day-only specials, donating a percentage of the revenue to help reach IOCP’s goal of $2.2 million.
Kinship Mentorship Programs
Consider giving the gift of opportunity this year by becoming a Kinship mentor family. This program strives to give youth the positive and supportive relationships they need to thrive in our community. Mentoring can be as easy as an afternoon walking around the lake, or participating in one of the many activities planned by Kinship’s staff for mentors and mentees to share. Sign-up is on a rolling basis. Contact Jerod Petersen, 612.588.4655.