Enjoy the sounds of the holidays in a joint concert by the Plymouth Concert Band and Chorus Polaris. The concert will include traditional and contemporary holiday band and choral music. The concert is free and open to the public. No tickets are necessary.
Under the baton of conductor David Elmhirst, the Plymouth Concert Band is a group of 60 musicians from Plymouth and the surrounding suburbs. The Plymouth Concert Band’s mission is to be a premier wind ensemble in the Twin Cities. Support for the band comes primarily through grants from the Plymouth Arts Council, member dues, and audience donations. Under the direction of Artistic Director John Hoffacker, Chorus Polaris is an eclectic community chamber chorus of 35 professional and amateur singers performing an extraordinary range of music, from Renaissance motets to jazz to masterworks with orchestra.
For more information, please contact David Elmhirst at 763-745-6908 or visit us on the web at www.plymouthconcertband.org.