When I think about travel and fashion, there are two places that jump to the top of my head—Italy and France. Luckily, they make some of the best wines in the world to back up their reputation.

If you don’t have a Valentine, never fear - the Ruby Red is every bit as good if you enjoy it solo.

The modern Bloody Mary is a wonder to behold and a brunch favorite. Here’s what you will need to set up your very own Bloody Mary bar:
• Bloody Marys mix, homemade or premade.
• Olives
• Lemons
• Limes
• Pickles
• Hot Sauce
• Worcestershire sauce
Allie Turner, a manager at Rock Elm Tavern, offers up the perfect cocktail for fall. Its simplicity and underlying berry flavors are a great way to transition from the steamy months of summer to the cool and calm of autumn.
Modern Fashion
Servings: One

The warmth and humidity of August make it a great time to sit back and relax with a refreshing cocktail, and Brian Clark and Jackie Bauer at The Cellars in Plymouth have created a special drink for the end of the su

Summer has stretched out its limbs and settled into the Plymouth landscape—bringing with it bare feet, warm evenings and sizzling sidewalks, sometimes hot enough to fry an egg on. Summer also brings another delight for the senses—craft beers.

Looking for some local refreshing favorites? Haskells recommends a Fulton Standard Lager or Bent Paddle Golden IPA, two favorite summertime craft brews.
Here are three suggestions from Sid’s Discount Liquors, all with hints of fall flavor, that are great for this time of year.

If you’re looking for a way to spice things up this fall, try this cocktail suggestion by Tim Martin, wine manager at Sid’s Discount Liquor. It’s the perfect drink for a crisp, cool day.