Plymouth Beyond the Yellow Ribbon (BYR) is a nonprofit that helps military families and veterans. We spoke with BYR president, Gary Goldetsky, to learn more.
What is BYR’s mission?
We provide support for local military service members and their families, and for veterans before, during and after deployment. We help with car repairs, emergency food, housing. We’re always looking for ways to assist. We do this all as volunteers—no one is paid.
How did you get involved with BYR?
I’m a psychologist and was part of the community emergency response team at the police department. I got involved with BYR through the police.
What are some of the ways BYR helps?
In 2014, a city inspector cited a large, 44-foot elm. It was unsafe and had to be removed. The family who owned it called the city and said the owner was a deployed soldier. BYR got a crane company and a tree company to donate their services. It was a $6,000 job that we were able to get done for $1,000, and at no cost to the service member.
We provided food for a veteran who was recovering from surgery with food. Typically we get housing and emergency food requests.
What should people know about BYR?
They can contact us with referrals if they know of a military family that needs help. We’re a 501-3c [tax-exempt nonprofit organization] and are all volunteers.
How can people get involved?
They can email BYR or call me. We’re always looking for more volunteers and board members.
Plymouth Beyond the Yellow Ribbon