Update: The Band Famous

Plymouth natives take L.A. by storm.

In February 2015, we shared the story of Plymouth native Zander Figueroa and his wife, Norell, who were developing their own mobile app called The Band Famous (TBF), which streams their music, writing and art. Their art is now gaining traction nationwide. “We’re incredibly grateful not only to have such wonderful fans and friends, but to have some of our endorsers include Slug of Atmosphere, Greg Deocampo (also known as Special Agent G of Emergency Broadcast Network and also the co-inventor of Adobe After Effects, and many other awesome technologies including the Hoverboard program), Robert F. Kennedy’s granddaughter Kick Kennedy, Kim Dotcom and Tom Green,” Norell says. This spring, TBF performed on the Tom Green Show and other L.A.-based podcasts, following the fall Android release of their album, Last Words. Their second album, Awakening, is being released soon.