Plymouth’s senior citizens are among the most active members of the community, and there is no shortage of options when it comes to programming created especially for them. A sampling of clubs includes activities such as antiquing, biking, woodworking
and bridge.
“It’s just a group of people who come together and have an activity that they enjoy doing on a regular basis,” says Chris Fleck, manager at Plymouth Creek Center. And there’s always demand for more clubs, which are currently held at Plymouth Creek Center.
In addition to clubs, the program also offers day trips to local spots such as U.S. Bank Stadium or the theater, and hosts senior-approved movie nights and dances. “People like to have that resource to get outside of the community and see something new,” says Fleck.
The day trips have become so popular that Fleck started fielding ideas from eager participants.
The senior program also offers free services for seniors and caregivers. While the services are free, there is a fee to participate in the clubs. Clubs are designated at either a silver or gold level, depending on how often the group meets. Non-residents pay slightly more than Plymouth residents, who pay $6 for silver level and $9 for gold level activities. For people who participate in multiple clubs, the fees are capped at $24 per year.
With new members getting involved, the biggest hurdle is ensuring there is enough space for everyone to partcipate. “Everything has been successful, in that there hasn’t been a lot that’s gone away,” he says.
Fleck says that in the future he hopes to bring in more demographics. Already some of the short-term clubs have started to draw in some younger members, and with educational programming that focuses more on themes than age, he’s hopeful that the trend continues.
Plymouth Senior Services
Blood Pressure Checks
First Wednesday of the month, 10–11 a.m.
English as Second Language
Second Monday of the month, 10 a.m.
Caregiver Support
Third Wednesday of the month
Computer/Tablet Help
First and third Wednesday of each month, 1–3 p.m.
Insurance/Medicare Help
Second Wednesday of each month