A playful snow puppy snags third place in our Picture Plymouth photo contest

This playful portrait snags third place in the Picture Plymouth photo contest.

Residents of Plymouth know how fortunate they are to have the city’s beautiful parks. Winter or summer, rain or shine, the parks offer endless opportunities for hiking, skiing, running and dog-walking. Jeremy Apolloni takes full advantage of all that the parks have to offer, and when his dog Mika joined the family, she did, too.

The thought of a brand new puppy rarely brings about feelings of serenity or reflection. At only 3 months old, however, Mika’s visage seems wise for her age. Her soulful black eyes stare curiously back at the lens, as if to ask what her person is doing. Apolloni caught this snapshot on a brisk walk in French Regional Park last March, only a month after adding Mika to the family. His Canon T3i captures the crisp red leash and caramel fur of the precious pooch as she makes her way across the snow.

Apolloni and his wife, Jessica, moved to Plymouth two years ago, although both of them grew up in the Twin Cities area. When it comes to photography, “I try to take photos of everything I can,” he says. His interest in dogs extended to his job at Happy Days Doggie Camp until recently, when he decided to start devoting more time to photography. You can find more of Apolloni’s photos at jeremyapolloni.wordpress.com.

This image won third place in the Pets category of the 2014 Picture Plymouth photo contest.