Taken on the patio at Rock Elm Tavern in Plymouth, this photograph stars Danica Reitzner’s Siberian Husky, Barrett. Barrett’s nickname, Bear, prompted the photos’ title, There’s a Bear on the Patio. Bear, wearing his Rock Elm bandanna, posed perfectly for the camera, wearing a big smile when Emily Sherman captured the first place photograph.
Reitzner and Sherman both work for Ally Restaurants and were relaxing on Rock Elm’s patio on the warm summer day that this photograph was taken. Reitzner says Rock Elm’s patio is a great place for friends and family to hang out. “People really enjoy sitting out there. It’s community friendly, has a fire pit, and most of all, it’s dog friendly,” she says. Not only is it dog friendly, the restaurant even supports a local dog rescue through dog meals sold on the patio (see below for more info).
Although Reitzner was the one to submit the photograph to the Plymouth Photo Contest, it was Sherman who took the photo. Reitzner says, “It was really a team effort.”
In 2017 Rock Elm Tavern started a fundraiser benefitting a local dog rescue, No Dog Left Behind. The restaurant partnered with Farmina dog food brand to provide Rock Elm with a doggy menu for its patio. For $1, the restaurant’s furry patrons can delight in their own meal on the patio, with all proceeds going to No Dog Left Behind.