Mark Wahl, a photographer of 40 years, spent years on this photo alone. After having a vision in mind, he wanted the conditions of the photo to be perfect, a shot where the train is coming through a snowstorm at the perfect time—twilight.
He took a similar photo many years ago with slide film and wanted to try it again in digital, so he used a Canon 60D. Wahl lives near the train tracks on the Canadian Pacific line just east of Larch Lane and has shot many photos over the years with weather of all conditions. His favorite place to shoot in Plymouth is at Three Ponds Park.
Wahl’s main types of photography are landscapes and nature. “I love to hike and camp and any day I spend doing that is a good day, even if I don’t come back with any good photos. Photography is my number one hobby and I am very passionate about it. It gives me a good excuse to get into the outdoors and explore,” Wahl says.
Many of his vacations are planned with photography in mind. Earlier this year, Wahl and his wife visited Death Valley, Zion and Capital Reef national parks. “Great trip and I got a lot of good photos,” he says.