Gloria Rice’s Award-winning Image: Cats on Caffeine

Last year’s first-place winner in the Pets category of Picture Plymouth.
“Gotta Cut Down on the Caffeine” won Gloria Rice first place in the Pets category in 2014. Go to this month to find this year’s Picture Plymouth winners.

Gloria Rice has kept herself busy for the past four years since retiring from the University of Minnesota. Not only does she volunteer at Birchview Grade School, she’s been fine-tuning her 30-year photography hobby, and last year she was a multiple award-winner in the Picture Plymouth contest.

The 18-year Plymouth resident lives with husband Tim Cassidy and two adopted cats, Margo, 11, and Bozo, 9. (“Bozo is the cat with the crazy expression,” Rice says.) Favorite subjects in the community include her neighbors, the Luce Line Trail, Circle Park, Music in the Park and Parkers Lake.

This particular image was taken in her family room in winter 2014, when the cats huddled together for warmth. “Margo, the smaller short-haired cat, will put up with cuddling from Bozo only when it’s cold outside,” Rice says. “She is the brains of the duo … I got lucky snapping a shot just as Bozo finished a yawn. The photo is a true representation of their personalities: Bozo the clown and Margo annoyed with her beauty-sleep nap being interrupted.”