Plymouth’s Halloween at the Creek Event

The inside scoop behind the city’s longest-running Halloween event.

In its 11th consecutive year, Halloween at the Creek may just be the spookiest non-scary event in town. Geared toward younger children (think ages 2 to 11),

Made up of carnival games, prizes, food, entertainment and treats, the event has grown each year since its inception. Don’t miss the eight inflatable jumpers, climbers and sliders, not to mention one of the most entertaining magic shows around.

“This is a fun, colorful event—we actually ask that participants refrain from dressing up in scary or gory costumes,” says Rick Busch, Plymouth Creek Center manager.

So what, then, is so scary? The average attendance of more than 700 people, for one, but in a good way: Imagine the organized chaos and delightful giggles of that many kids filled with sugar and fun.


Halloween at the Creek

6–8 p.m. October 31

Plymouth Creek Center, 14800 34th Ave.

Cost: $7 ages 4+