Harkraft, Inc. Rides the Wine Cellar Wave in Plymouth

How a new-to-Plymouth remodeling company can add a bit of flair to your storage space.

About eight years ago, during the heart of the housing boom, remodeling wasn’t as common as new construction—with the exception of elaborate, sometimes cavernous wine caves. Then the economy sunk, and reconstruction became fashionable. Interestingly, too, the need for creative storage and custom wine cabinets has experienced a recent resurgence. That’s why the move by Harkraft, Inc. to Plymouth last August is especially notable. Specializing in closets, storage and wine cellar construction, this hometown remodeling company is at the forefront of “organizational redesign.” “Regarding wine cellars, these go in waves, it seems,” says co-owner and president Warren Eck. The company has been building several cellars per year; the cost can start at as little as $3,500 and span to the tens of thousands, depending on size and number of bottles (typically between 100 and 3,000). If someone is looking to add racking/display to an existing space, Eck estimates the cost is between $3,000 and $5,000.Popular in wine design is ornate racking that can be built into spaces as obscure as under a  staircase, utilizing existing walls and insulation; from there, vapor barriers, ornate glass doors and other features are added.“If a homeowner is truly interested in preserving and aging wine, the best scenario is for us to build a complete cellar with climate (temperature and humidity) control,” Eck says. “The two most important components of wine storage are temperature and light. Wine likes to remain at a consistent temperature, ideally between 55 and 65 degrees, and in darkness.”13310 Industrial Park Blvd., Suite 164; 612.369.1995; harkraft.com