Creative Corner: Love Is

not the vase of water, nor the flowers

held close around its lip. It is the frost

blossoming on your window, the hours

it takes for a candle to weep. What’s lost

is merely daylight. Each star a pinhole

camera capturing what you meant to

say over the phone before a pause, whole

notes of a song you were sure you knew,

couldn’t remember as it entered

your ears. Though far away, the roads weave us

together. I am a reminder

wound on the finger. A belief in trust

does not mean we are done asking questions,

but live more simply with their intentions. —Shane Chergosky

Creative Corner is a new regular column in Plymouth Magazine where we’ll share poetry and excerpts of other written art from community members. Have something you think is publish-worthy? Send your Creative Corner entry for consideration, along with a bio (and, ideally, photograph) of the author, to, subject line: Creative Corner.