Razorblade Tears
by S. A. Crosby
Razorblade Tears is an action-packed thriller focused on two fathers, Ike and Buddy, who want to avenge the murders of their gay married sons. In the midst of the action, Razorblade Tears also touches on racism, prejudice, homophobia and privilege, but like spinach in a smoothie, it is worked in without detracting from the chase.
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
by Jen Sincero
“You’re on a journey with no defined beginning, middle or end. There are no wrong twists and turns. There is just being.” (Sincero, 2013). This is the book to read if you know what you need to do, but you just need that swift kick to get started. If you feel like you may be in a rut with any aspect of your life, this will help you change your perspective. A perfect read if that New Year’s resolution is fading into the dark and needs some attention!
The Reading List
by Nisha Adams
The Reading List is a love affair with books and their ability to heal. The novel follows the journey of Mukesh, a recently widowed grandfather, and Aleisha, a young teenager whose mother is mentally ill. Aleisha and Mukesh build an unlikely friendship at their local library, bonding over books as they each struggle to overcome obstacles. As a bonus, this novel provides several good book ideas!
When Breath Becomes Air
by Paul Kalanithi
This autobiography takes the reader through Paul Kalanithi’s life, starting at the beginning of his terminal diagnosis to his death. This story is beautiful in that Kalanithi and his wife do not let his terminal diagnosis stop them from living. This book is not a self-help book filled with one-liners and the typical jargon, rather it is the story of a relatable man who is dying from cancer. Particularly suited for readers employed in the medical field, this book provides an eye-opening perspective on how a patient is treated compared to how they feel they are being treated.
In Five Years
by Rebecca Serle
Having a look at your own future could be surprising. What changes might you make if you lived for one hour, five years from now? That is the scenario of In Five Years. It highlights the power of friendship, what it means to love and how to take care of oneself while grieving. This book is beautifully written and will generate self-reflection.
The Things We Cannot Say
by Kelly Rimmer
This story is a dual timeline narrative juxtaposing modern time with 1942 Nazi occupied Poland. The timeline follows present day Alice and her son, who is on the autism spectrum, then switches to the WWII love story between Alice’s grandmother, Alina, and Tomasz. Present day Alina is hospitalized and tasks her Alice with returning to Poland before Alina’s death to recover her most cherished mementos. This journey leads Alice to find more than she anticipated. Forget what genre you normally read and read this novel; you will not regret it.
Katie Timcho and Amy Sundet discuss reading and share book recommendations. Find more on their Instagram account @overbookedmoms.