Books: Rewiring for the Future

Author and CEO John Eliason’s new book inspires change in the business world.

When John Eliason started First Financial, he had no clients in a crowded industry. However, he recognized the tremendous opportunity in a competitive market. Now First Financial serves clients nationwide and has garnered a number of awards resulting from his unique business methods.

How did he do it? John shares the method to his madness in his new how-to, Rewire: How to Grow Business in a Crazy World and Have a Great Time Doing it.

Rewire is a new type of guide to building a better business, using a concise format to house big ideas that produce bigger results. Eliason uses engaging design and digestible content to make a seemingly daunting guide accessible to even the novice business owner. QR codes are peppered throughout for additional examples and methods that are easily accessible through your mobile device. First Financial, 805 Meander Court, Medina; 999.416.4720;

Rewire is available on—$9.97 Kindle e-book, $24.95 hardcover.