Magician Matt Dunn

Magician Matt Dunn
Plymouth's own hometown magician, Matt Dunn.
The Plymouth native performs Minnetonka's Big Thrill Factory in March.

Some of you remember Plymouth's own magician, Matt Dunn, who's graced our print pages for everything from his magic acts (November 2009) to his annual freak fest, Screamtown (October 2013). Beginning in March, his magic acts--previously performed primarily for corporate and birthday parties and at one-time-only shows--will be a regular "must-see" in Minnetonka.

"This will be my BIG magic show that is much more grand than people have seen before," he says. "We're talking sawing in half, levitation, new live animals."

While specifics are pending, it's looking likely Thursday nights in March will be Matt Dunn Dinner and Magic Show nights at Big Thrill Factory in Minnetonka. "It will be a show for all ages," he says, "families, date nights, anything and anyone." Visit to find out specific dates/times for this all-new, BIG magic show."

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