Wanted: Editorial Advisory Board Nominees

We want YOU--or someone you know--to give insights into Plymouth Magazine's content. Nominations due July 15.

Ever wonder what that nice little column next to the Editor's Note in each print issue of Plymouth Magazine means? You know the one, with all the publisher's information and company phone numbers and whatnot, one of the few places we give a tiny bit of glory to the real movers and shakers who make this pub happen month after month. There's a large section of said column (which we call the masthead in mag-speak) devoted each month to something called "Editorial Advisory Board," and whether you recognize the names or businesses listed there or not, these are a select few of Plymouth's engaged community members and business owners who, twice annually, meet with me to discuss future issues and story ideas for the magazine.And their two-year term is up in August! So right now, through July 15, I'm accepting nominations from the public for future board members. We only accept about 10 each term, but really almost anyone who's a reader of Plymouth Magazine has the potential to make this elite list. Nominate yourself or a close friend. Or an acquaintance. Anyone who knows and loves Plymouth. Simply email Laura Haraldson the following: Your name, name of nominee, nominee's email/other contact information, three sentences (max) about why this person is perfect for this position.The commitment truly is less than 10 hours a year that truly influences the editorial direction and content of the publication; it's a great resume booster, an excellent networking opportunity, a bit of self-promotion in print (aforementioned masthead mention), but more important, it's free food twice annually from wonderful Plymouth restaurants!