Bed Bug Prevention from Adam’s Pest Control

Expert tips on how to prevent bed bug infestation.

Whenever people travel more, the risk of a bedbug infestation increases.  “Bedbugs spread a lot during the holidays,” Adam’s Pest Control operations director Chris Garcia says. “They come into houses all kinds of ways, like on backpacks or in suitcases.”

Preventing bedbugs is all about being aware. “Know what to look for,” Garcia says. “When traveling, carefully inspect whatever you take with you.” One of the telltale signs of bedbugs is “blackspotting,” which is when small dark fecal deposits collect in small cracks and crevices and on places like walls or bed frames. “Bed bugs like to have their bodies covered,” Garcia warns, “so check for seam activity in mattresses, sheets and clothing.”

If you suspect you have bed bugs, one good preliminary step is throwing the clothing item into a dryer for 20 minutes. “The heat should kill any life cycle of the bedbug,” Garcia says.


For everything you want or need to know about bedbugs, visit, a site created by Adam’s Pest Control.