Where are they now?

Chip Williams and Joni Sutton are still influencing students--one country at a time.
Chip Williams and Joni Sutton are helping with the Minnesota Ambassadors of Music trip to Europe.

Watching Chip Williams and Joni Sutton nestled away in Plymouth, dirnking coffee and listening to music, you might not realize they are incredibly busy retirees coordinating the upcoming Minnesota Ambassadors of Music trip to Europe, departing this year July 6.

The group of about 265 high school band and choir students and staff from around the state--39 of whom are from Plymouth--performs concerts in England, France, Austria and Germany. Minnesota Ambassadors of Music travels to Europe every other summer. Williams and Sutton, both retired band teachers, have been staff members in this trip since 1991. This is the first year the couple are the state coordinators and the third year that Williams is the band director. Both Positions are noteworthy honors.