Ready for a good read and some discussion? Plymouth has you covered. Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett has been chosen as the book for the second-ever Citywide Read. The event, created through a partnership of the Plymouth Fine Arts Council (PFAC), the Hennepin County Libraries and The Bookcase bookstore, is a community-wide reading assignment intended to increase community involvement.
Various events and discussions will be held throughout the early months of 2011, all culminating April 18 at the Primavera Springtime Art Celebration, where author Blue Balliett will give a presentation on the book and meet with the public.
Last year’s read, Population 485 by Michael Perry, drew in an estimated 1,500 participants and had exceptional reviews from the community. This year’s book, a mystery surrounding the theft of a Vermeer painting, is sure to entertain all ages.